Kärrstegens Gård på Berg
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Här finner ni uppdaterad information
Ulvesundsvägen 22, Ljungskile
Butik: 0522-21339
Catarina: +46 70 821 33 99
Sören: +46 73 320 06 91
E-post: info@karrstegensgard.se
Butik & Café säsongstängt fram till Påsk. Grossistverksamhet och rum som vanligt.
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Soon you will receive an extended information about us in English. In the meantime you will find some useful information below.
Our opening hours are -
Thursday- Friday 11am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday 11 am - 4pm
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: Closed
We offer you and your friends following -
Cafe and restaurant with a homemade and locally produced meny.
Shop with clothes, flowers and furnishings
Bed & Breakfast. Book your room through this link
You will find and reach us in Ljungskile at the following address and contact Information -
Ulvesundsvägen 22
459 93 Ljungskile, Sweden
Lat: 58.231250
Long: 11.903883
Shop: +46 522-21339
Catarina: +46 70 821 33 99
Sören: +46 73 320 06 91
E-mail: info@karrstegensgard.se